Friday, March 5, 2010

Pilot post!

Hello fellow foodies! (and non-followers)

...and thus my long felt desire to publish a blog on the most important aspect of our lives (you got it - food!) has come to a reality. After not much of deliberation (on my part) and a lot of pleading (on the part of family, to stop talking incessantly about food) the magnificent idea of writing a "food" blog describing my loves, loathes, cravings, ideas, opinions, blah, blah popped into my head. The perfect vent-out for a foodie like me.

I've always wanted to be a connoisseur of foods. I guess I'm on my way to being one. I've reached the 'Starved Electronics Engineer' stage right now.

Talking about what I do, I must say it has played a HUGE role in prompting me to write this blog. For the past four years I have been living in a hostel while doing my engineering degree.
Sustenance here is provided in the form of mess food, for which we pay 50 bucks a day (roughly). Now though the mess food hasn't been all that bad (I've survived well enough to be up and about writing this), it seems to be getting on my nerves lately. Maybe it's the fact that I have just two months left here. I call it the 'I-cant-eat-this-food-anymore' Syndrome, which typically arises from the haughtiness that accompanies the knowledge of the number of days left to freedom. To illustrate, I confess that I now eat at the mess only on rare occasions (notably the ones during which they serve lovely, cool buttermilk spiced with ginger, green chilly and fresh coriander leaves), while the rest of the time I actually resort to conjuring up something in my room. Nothing fancy - the occasional top ramen noodles, or maybe an egg sandwich made from boiled egg. It pays to have a kettle in the room! To make matters worse, I am nearing the end of my course and am virtually jobless, which gives me all the more time to devote to dreaming about all that I could eat if I had the choice (ever heard of the saying 'An idle mind is a devil's kitchen' ?!). All that I could eat if I ever had a choice - I've thought about it, and even compiled a list in its honour. Take a peek:

1. ANYTHING with Mozzarella cheese. (preferably french bread dribbled with garlic oil).
2. Apple pie with fresh-whipped double-cream.
3. Mum's heavenly orange cheesecake.
4. Arabic Shawarma!
5. Pasta with white sauce and sausages.
6. Traditional Indian Chicken Biryani.
7. ANYTHING with grandma's fresh cut green mango pickle.

I could go on and on, but that couldn't possibly be of any good for the both of us.

So that's my state, dear reader, I'm stuck at a place that gives me the freedom to dream but none to actually eat anything that I would like to. For those of you poor mortals who're confused at this point, I should probably add that here, we students are not allowed to go out of campus more than once a month. Which means, that single day is the only day I get to hog. Pretty dismal a picture for a foodie, but well, it's upto me to make the most out of it!

Till next time,
Sugar, Pies n Everything nice

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